Tips to Give AncestryDNA as a Gift
Gifts are never about the value as they are about the thought behind it. If you are struggling to find the right gift for your friend or family member, then you need to check out the DNA testing kit. This is a thoughtful and affordable gift option that will literally go down in history! Give your loved an ultimate gift of unlocking their genealogical past. However, before you purchase this kit as a gift, be sure to check if the recipient will be enthralled after receiving this kind of gift.
Gifts are never about the value as they are about the thought behind it. If you are struggling to find the right gift for your friend or family member, then you need to check out the DNA testing kit. This is a thoughtful and affordable gift option that will literally go down in history! Give your loved an ultimate gift of unlocking their genealogical past. However, before you purchase this kit as a gift, be sure to check if the recipient will be enthralled after receiving this kind of gift.
If you think they would love what you have in mind for them, then follow these tips to buy the perfect gift the right way.
Check company reviews
Companies like AncestryDNA have a proven record for selling a reliable product to their customers. So if you are planning to buy a DNA testing kit for your friend, then you must ensure that the seller has a reputation. You can determine that by checking online reviews on third party websites. You can also ask around for recommendations from friends for a company they trust.
Look for good deals
DNA testing kits are incredibly popular these days and more so around the holiday time. Because they make such good gifts, many sellers offer great deals to help their customers buy them at a discounted rate. You can look for discounts on popular brands such as AncestryDNA Free Shipping Code coupon or bundle offers. Just keep your eyes peeled for the best deal and buy these DNA testing kits at throwaway prices.
Make sure it will excite the recipient
Before buying DNA testing kits, just make sure the recipient would want a gift like this. Manu people usually feel thrilled about receiving a DNA kit but there are others who may find it intrusive to dig into their family history. If you are planning to buy a gift for someone who doesn’t like surprises, then you might want to ask them before making a purchase. If you want to still maintain the shock value of this gift, then conversationally bring up the question of genealogy and see what they have to say about it. This will give you a good idea about their interest in the topic and if they will be onboard with such a whacky gift!
Surprise them with a DNA kit
The only way a surprise can be fun is when you are certain that it will be well received. It really helps if you and your recipient are really close. Gifting something as intimate as a DNA kit will be take in the right spirit if you are comfortable with each other.
Sale of Direct-to-customer DNA tests has grown exponentially over the years with millions of people taking this test through reliable providers like AncestryDNA. You can also gift someone the gift of knowledge about their family history or even give it to yourself!